May 2024
Second annual Search Mastermind Event
Following on from the huge success of our first event we planned and expanded our 2024 event.
A invite list was expanded and more search experts were invited and we planned a jam packed three days in Prague.
We continued with our ethos of no speaker lineups, no brands, just people meeting and chatting all things search. The amazing feedback and first event proved that experts appreciated having the space to talk openly with no agendas and learning from each other in a relaxed environment.

Day 1
Invitees decide on what events that want and can attend
For those that arrived on day 1 we had our first meet and greet.
Day 2
Invitees decide on what events that want and can attend
Packed day of events to make new connections, soak up the culture and get some deep dive search conversations going
Casual dinner in a local restaurant for those that wanted to join.

Invitees arrive though
out the day.

Afternoon meet and greet. We arranged the fist meet and greet under the famous clock in Prague old town square.
Meeting old friends and new.

Medieval dinner and drinks in a Prague town centre tavern
'Alice in wonderland rules' - every second person moved a place to the right for each of new course - there were 5 - so everyone got to talk to everyone over dinner
Bellydancers, jugglers, fire artists, swordsmen, beer - totally tourist trap but everyone raved about it was 100% fun!

Prague Oldtown, Medieval Underground & Dungeon historical Tour
Exclusive Underground Access tour. We explored the hidden corridors and cellars beneath Prague’s Old Town.
Listened to intriguing stories and dark tales, understanding of the lesser-seen parts of Prague.
Morning Tour

Two hour guided walkout tour of Prague old town and Jewish quarter.
Afternoon Tour